Let's face it, life is messy. There's no getting around it. We all start out as kids with a dreamy ideal in mind: the perfect husband/wife, the picturesque house, the lucrative career, etc.
Well I don't know about you, but nothing in life has gone remotely the way I expected. Sure, I got through college, got married, had 2 kids and now live in a beautiful home. If I were to stop there, life would seem pretty perfect. But what that simple sentence doesn't convey to you is the myriad of struggles my husband and I have faced over the years. The fights we have endured, the disagreements over every topic you can think of, the number of times we have moved, the times the kids have been sick or the many MANY mistakes we have made on this journey called life.
And I'm not going to sit here and tell you that we have it all figured out or that things are going perfectly. We still have debt we are working at paying off. We still are working on our health and our relationships. We still have days when we disagree-who doesn't?!
But amidst all of the struggles, disappointments and mistakes, I have learned lessons that have been invaluable. I have learned to be grateful for the many blessings in my life. I have learned to manage money better, learned gardening and canning, and have developed a talent for making copper jewelry. I have learned to be more patient, learned that I have far more strength than I ever imagined, and above all, I have learned what it means to rely on and trust in God for my everything.
Is there anything I would change about my life? Absolutely not. I wouldn't be the same woman I am today, without the many life lessons I have learned over the years. My life might be messy, but it's beautiful because I have found meaning, hope, purpose, friendships, love, and most of all my Savior, Jesus. Nothing else really matters.
This web page is all about the life lessons, blessings and gifts I have been given, and is my way of sharing them with all of you. I hope and pray you are blessed as well as you read, find a recipe to try or purchase one of my pieces of jewelry. Thank you for joining me on this journey and welcome to This Beautiful Mess!