"But I want it MY way!"
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm quite stubborn. I have spent far too many years trying to do things my own way. I recall quite clearly as a child always trying to do things MY way, and I most DEFINITELY didn't like being told what to do! I grew up with a "Don't tell me!" attitude. Because, of course, I was SO much wiser than my parents/teachers/pastors/etc.
It's not all that hard to look back and realize how often that attitude got me into all sorts of trouble. From getting myself into unnecessary debt, to various relationships I should have avoided, to getting into trouble at work, that "know it all" attitude has too often been a problem for me.
It all boils down to one big problem: PRIDE. Pride brings nothing but trouble. Proverbs 11:2 says "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." Did you know Satan (Lucifer) was once a beautiful angel? In fact he was the most beautiful angel created and he was made to reflect God's beauty and glory. Until he decided he wanted to be God himself. He let his beauty go to his head. And that was his downfall. You can read about his fall in Isaiah 14:12-15. Look at the destruction he has caused ever since. Is it any wonder God hates pride?
Pride must give way to humility. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to learn that lesson, but let me tell you, it's the best lesson I have ever learned. Did you know there are some amazing promises in the Bible regarding those who are humble? I have already mentioned one above from Proverbs 11:2. Humility brings wisdom. Here are just a couple more for you:
The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom and humility comes before honor. Prov. 15:33
Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life. Prov. 22:4
In just those few verses, you can see that humility brings some pretty fantastic benefits:
- Wisdom
- Honor
- Wealth
- Life
I have seen the truth of this in my own life. The more I have begun to let go of my own way of doing things, the more wisdom I find. I've been far more open to listening to advice from those I trust and my heart is far more open to God's Word, which is the Way, Truth and Life. And the rest of those benefits I know will come. I leave it to God to do the honoring, though I know He has never let me be disgraced, which I am grateful for! And I have learned to fully trust God with our finances. That was the hardest of all for me. I can be a bit of a control freak when it comes to money. Learning to give God my full tithe and to trust God with the rest has been a long lesson learned, but I know as well that God will bless us and provide for all of our needs. He is challenging us now to give even above and beyond our tithe-and I fully intend to do just that!
Learning obedience has been a life-long lesson. Stubbornness does have its advantages-it's why I refused to be swayed from my belief in God all through college. It's why I am so determined to make sure my family eats healthy and my kids get to church every Sunday. But you can be stubborn and still be humble. You can be stubborn and still be obedient to God's Way of doing things. And as you walk in humble obedience, God brings abundant life. I often am not sure I am able to handle all the abundance God has blessed us with! God's love and grace keep pouring into our lives as we keep seeking His Ways.
I challenge you to let go of trying to do things your own way. God's ways are far better and you will be amazed at the blessing you will find!